How long does it take for my transfer to reach its destination?
Remitbee is committed to bringing the fastest and lowest cost money transfer service possible.
Many country corridors such as India we have already built money in minutes service and others we are continuously striving to make it quicker.
Most delays happen for these common reasons:
Compliance verification requiring additional documentation from Remitbee or receiving bank
Overseas Payment processor hours of operation
Wrong Recipient details
Your payment method for transfers.
More precise hours of delivery is displayed when adding the recipient
Many country corridors such as India we have already built money in minutes service and others we are continuously striving to make it quicker.
Most delays happen for these common reasons:
Compliance verification requiring additional documentation from Remitbee or receiving bank
Overseas Payment processor hours of operation
Wrong Recipient details
Your payment method for transfers.
More precise hours of delivery is displayed when adding the recipient
Updated on: 19/12/2018
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